Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Month In Review - BEAD SHOW!

I've been meaning to make a post sooner than this, but life outside of making jewelry has been quite hectic.

My daughter was born on Christmas Eve, two days before her brother's birthday. Eek! We had a great Christmas though since we were allowed to go home the very next day.

January 2nd, the three of us moved to Tecumseh, Oklahoma to stay with my mom while my husband finishes out some training with the Army. Since then, the three of us have been adjusting to rural living and learning the baby's sleep patterns, which hasn't been easy. The weather has been fairly mild so far, so my son's gotten some time to play outside with the four dogs and help feed the horses. We're supposed to be smack in the middle of that ice storm that's coming through, so we won't be venturing outside for a bit lol.

This past weekend I went to my very first bead show. It was so much fun! It was crazy, hectic and I don't think I've spent so much money on beads at one time before. I got a lot of great deals though, and tons of ideas for new stuff to go up on Etsy. I will be keeping busy while the baby takes her second nap making new stuff. Hopefully, I can make a batch post in a few days, and if the ideas keep rolling in, I should have something new every week.

I still haven't made any shop goals for this year, and I really should. This being my first year in "business" though, its really hard to judge where I would like to be by the end of the year. Selling consistently is enough for me at this point. I think anything more concrete than that and I may be setting myself up for failure. So we'll leave it at that. =) If I have two sales a month, I will be more than happy.

On a super happy note, I've gotten another commission for "something pink." From this point on though, (ie after this piece is made and any requests after this piece) all commissions are going to go through Etsy. This will make the 5th item that will be off the Etsy site, and I really would like to see my "sales" number rise.

Off to make dinner and get back to finishing another piece for the shop. All my best.

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